Terms of Use – Personal Use Only

I certify that I will be using this online course and materials for my own personal use. I will not reproduce, sell or otherwise distribute these materials to any other person or company.

I will not share my course log in information to others. I understand that my IP address may be used to track and verify that I am the only one using the log in for this course. 

If I share my log in information with anyone else, I understand that my log in and access to this course may be revoked and payment will not be refunded. I also understand that if I reproduce, repost or share these materials without Keravie’s permission, my access to this course may be revoked and payment will not be refunded.

Intellectual Property

Keravie, Keravie Professional, Triple Keratin Lash Lift, Science of Lash Lifting are trademarks and the course materials are copyrighted intellectual property of 2127494 Alberta Ltd. o/a Keravie Professional (collectively referred to as the “Intellectual Property”).

I acknowledges and agree:

  1. any and all of Keravie’s Intellectual Property rights are the sole and exclusive property of Keravie;
  2. I shall not acquire any ownership interest in any of Keravie’s Intellectual Property rights under this Agreement;
  3. any goodwill derived from the use by me of Keravie’s Intellectual Property rights inures to the benefit of Keravie;
  4. Keravie hereby grants to me a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to use Keravie's trademarks solely on or in connection with the marketing, promotion, advertising, and sale of Keravie’s Products and Services. I will promptly discontinue the display or use of any trademark or change the manner in which a trademark is displayed or used with regard to the Products and Services when requested by Keravie.
  5. I am allowed to use Keravie’s Intellectual Property to promote the sale of Keravie’s Products and Services that I perform. However, I shall not teach the course materials nor represent myself as an instructor of Keravie and the course materials.
  6. I understand I am not an employee or agent of Keravie and will not represent myself as such. At Keravie’s request, I agree to promptly remove any misleading content representing the same.


I shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Keravie and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable attorney fees, fees and the costs of enforcing any right to indemnification under this Agreement, relating to, arising out of or resulting from any third-party claim alleging: